Friday, January 25, 2008

Video conference with the grade 7’s

Mr. McCreesh’s class, today you provided me with the opportunity to answer questions live from the conference. I am sorry to disappoint, but I will not be bringing back souveneirs for everyone. It was nice to hear from everyone and you all had great questions. Thank you to Matthew for pointing out that you had to be a Blogger member to leave a comment. I have since fixed that. Anyone should now be able to leave a comment without having to create a Blogger account. Please try it out.

The challenge that I have for you now is; how best can we use this technology? We have access to a great communication tool as was exemplified by out 5000 km conversation. Who do you want to talk to around the world? I was introduced to a great website today. It is called ePals. We can have conversations with other students from around the world. Go check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^_^ It's good to see that you found out some new things about modern technology. After all, it's never too late to learn new things.

And I wasn't too interested in souveniers anyway, but that's just me. -Matthew. Matthew Tan.