Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What's Next? How Classrooms Will Change and Why...

Good morning everyone,

Back in the sessions. Today I am in an all day session with a series of presenters on how the classroom is changing. We started right of the bat with a really cool tool called "Classroom Response System" which is a radio frequency tool where each of us students was given a "clicker". The presenter then took us through a series of multiple choice questions to which we could enter our answer. Within seconds, the presenter was then able to show us a graph of our answers using an LCD projector. An excellent example of instant formative assessment.

We then moved into a great conversation around statistics of technology use by our current students. The main message was that students have a greater access to online resources. How do we use this access to teach? The following quote was used as a conversation starter:

"How do we tap into this MySpace mind, but in the context of an educational atmosphere that addresses world-readiness skills?"

How many of our Rosser students use a social online tool? Examples being WebKinz, Club Penguin, MySpace and/or Facebook.

Comic relief was then provided with this YouTube video

During our "break" our assignment was to take pictures of people at the conference using technology. Upon our return, we were treated to another video that set up a conversation about the urgency to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our current generation of students.

We were then introduced to a number of web2.0 tools that are education friendly. This was followed up with some "Hands on Time" using this Wiki.

There is just too many cool online applications to describe here. The one that we played with the most was Voicethread.


Nunya B said...

Glad you're here, Dave. This has been quite a busy day. Your students are lucky to have such a devoted teacher.

Chris O'Neal

sjbrooks-young said...

Chris, Dan, and I had a great time today working with you and the other workshop participants. It's wonderful that your teachers and students have blogging principal! Maybe I could come by your school some time when I'm in Vancouver. What do you think?

Rosser Div. 4 said...

Hi,Mr Mac lean,
Did you see any pelicans yet? We got all excited when we read that you are going to the Peabody Hotel to see the marching ducks because we read a Patricia Polacco book called John Philip Duck about the first marching ducks at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis. We want to see some photos.
We miss you,
Div. 4 and Mrs O'Meara